
  • Voice Modification

    For transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming clients. Voice modification for gender affirmation starts with optimizing voice production through coordination of breathing and speech. Modification is individualized based on a client’s goals, and may include pitch, resonance, quality, and articulation. Voice modification may not be covered by insurance - consult your insurance provider and ask if transgender voice therapy is covered under your plan. Voice modification programs are individualized and may range from 8-16 weeks.

  • Vocal Rehabilitation

    For clients with nodules, polyps, edema, vocal tremor, spasmodic dysphonia, muscle tension dysphonia, other dysphonia (irregular vocal quality), presbylaryngis (vocal fold atrophy with age), paradoxical vocal fold movement, and other voice troubles. Vocal rehabilitation is similar to physical therapy programs, which require daily practice of vocal function exercises to optimize your respiration, phonation, and resonance. Vocal rehabilitation establishes appropriate vocal hygiene routines and practices. Vocal rehabilitation programs are individualized and may range from 8-12 weeks.

  • Cognitive Rehabilitation

    For clients who struggle with cognitive processes: attention, memory, reasoning, organization, and executive functions. These struggles are commonly found in those who have ADHD, autism, concussions or other acquired brain injuries, and neurodegenerative disorders. Cognitive rehabilitation focuses on restorative and compensatory strategies, which includes training cognitive processes and developing external systems to assist with cognitive deficits. Cognitive rehabilitation programs are individualized and range from weeks to months, depending on the severity of deficits.

  • Articulation Treatment

    For those with difficulty producing speech sounds, whether it be developmental (motor, phonological), neurological (dysarthria, apraxia), structural (cleft palate), or sensory/perceptual (hearing impaired). Treatment approaches depend on the cause of articulation impairment. Articulation treatment requires weekly meetings supplemented by daily practice for at least 16 weeks.

  • Virtual Group for Teenagers

    An online group for teens who are working on a variety of speech, voice, and communication goals. An initial one-on-one evaluation will establish your goals for communication. Individual sessions may also be recommended in order to develop use of strategies for the conversational setting of the group.